Preschool + Children's Ministry

The Preschool and Children's Ministry at FBC Altus exists to glorify God and further His kingdom on earth. We do this through partnering with parents to build a strong Gospel-centered Bible foundation that will continue throughout their children’s lives. Children will learn to know, love, and serve Jesus through Sunday School, Mission classes, and other ministry activities.

For more information, contact the Preschool/Children's Office at (580) 482-1777.



Preteen Camp 2025- June 2nd-5th. Cost is $100. For children that have completed 3-6th grade. 

***ONLINE REGISTRATION ONLY***  Camp information and registation is now available to May 12th. You will find Summer Camp flyers throughout the Preschool area. Please scan the QR code to complete the registration.



Sunday School

Preschool & Children's Sunday School is offered at 9:30am for birth through 6th grade. 

Sunday School is the foundation of our Children’s Ministry. Children are taught age-appropriate lessons and activities that guide them as they grow in knowledge of God’s word. Our goal is for every child to hear about Jesus and have the opportunity to know Him personally as led by the spirit, learn Bible skills, and learn to serve others.

We are still going through new curriculum of The Gospel Project for Kids At Home which helps you provide families at home with:

  • Family worship experiences
  • Prayer prompts
  • Activity ideas   

Volume 3: Land and Loss

Unit 7: God is Powerful

3/1: Session1: Crossing the Jodan River (7.1)

3/9: Session 2: Conquering Jericho (7.2)

3/16: Session 3: Achan's Sin and the Defeat of Ai (7.3)

3/23 Session 4: Taking the Land (7.4)

3/30 Session 5: Joshua's Farewell (7.5)


Mystery Box & Extended Teaching Care

Children are encouraged and welcomed to attend the Worship Service. Brother Jeff also has a time when he invites the children to the altar for “The Mystery Box” for a fun time as he tells a brief ‘kids’ message derived from an object brought by one of the children.

We do offer childcare, Extended Teaching Care, during the Worship Service for babies through three-year-old classrooms. Children are cared for by committed, and loving congregation members who volunteer on a rotating basis. All volunteers are pre-screened before serving in ETC.  

Wednesday Evenings-K-6th-Truth Finders

We will not have Gospel-Centered Kids this Fall. We are offering a children's class called Truth Finders. Truth Finders starts Aug 28th and ends May 14th. The time has not changed and will still be from 6-7pm. We believe teaching children to find biblical truths in a world full of false information is vital.  Please contact Joyce (482-1777) for more information.

Kindergarten - 2nd grade will meet in room 206

3rd to 6th grades will meet in room 113. 



Wednesday Evenings-Mission Friends- Birth thru Pre-K

Children Events