Women's Ministry


The Women's Ministry of First Baptist Church Altus will provide opportunities for women to grow in Christ, serve others and love many.  

We live out this mission by: 

  • Growing in God's Word together through Bible Study  
  • Cultivating Community by equipping women to love and disciple others. 
  • Serving the church and local area by partnering with various ministries and missions.

Have any questions? Please feel free to email us at [email protected]!


Women's Sunday School Classes

In our desire to cultivate community within our women, we have two Women's Sunday Fellowship Classes that are offered at 9:30am in Rooms 203 (Daughters of the King) & 250 (Forever Grace). 

Monday Night Ladies Bible Study

Monday Night Bible Studies are a great way to fellowship with one another and learn more about God's Word. We meet in room 113 at 6pm.  For more information, please contact Nancy Cofer at 580.480.2129.  We would love to have you join us. 




Tuesday Morning Ladies Bible Study

Please join us Tuesdays at 10am in room 113. This is a great time for fellowship and a great bible study. Still not too late to join. We would love to you attend!